UKPP Congress Guide

Day 1,222, 17:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Grampa Alfagrem

Congratulations on your election to congress.

As a member of the eUK Congress which by tradition and henceforth will be Called House of Commons or HoC you have;

2 Law Proposals.
'x' Citizen passes.

The party and the nation hope that you will not waste any of the law proposals with 'lulz' attempts that have no chance of passing or that you do not grant citizenship to Irish, Candian or other enemies of the eUK.

The old forums contain the forum where HoC members have traditionally congregated and discussed laws to ensure passage and you are free to join in if you wish to do so - [Link]

As an elected member in your own right you are free to act in accordance with your own conscience although the UKPP does ask that you bear 3 things in mind;

1. Do not start an impeachment of the sitting president of the nation.

2. Do not accept any citizenship request without prior approval of Iain Keers - [Link].

3. Do not make any donation proposal that are not consistent of £99,999 to 'Bank of England'

As long as you follow these basic tenets then the bawwwwing of the grandads should be kept to a minimum and you should have a nice term in 'power'.

If at any point you wish to talk furthur with someone concerning your functions as a HoC member then please contact BMThatcher who is the 'cheif whip' of this terms UKPP HoC group.