UK-Irish Relations

Day 605, 10:37 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran

Hello eIreland!

As many of you will now know, the UK have decided to ally with Hungary and a number of her Allies against the USA and Canada. What does this mean for relations between the UK and Ireland?

Allow me to make this clear; nothing has, or will, change between our two countries. We still consider Ireland to be our strongest ally, regardless of other alliances; you have always been reliable, trustworthy and friendly towards us on all occasions.

We understand that your country wants to take a path of neutrality in this war, and we understand and respect that decision completely. Whatever decisions you make, we will stand beside you and support you. We do not expect anything from you, only that we may continue our long-standing friendship. If you chose to follow a different path from us, we are not here to tell you how to run your country, or coerce you into making a decision that benefits us. We will always help you to improve your Country, and will respect whatever decision you make.

So put aside those thoughts of sudden change in relations. We still, and always will, think of Ireland as our closest Allies; we would never do anything to harm you.

I hope this has eased your worries, and that we can build on our already strong friendship

Hassan Pesaran
Prime Minister of the eUK