UIIP Unemployment Insurance

Day 1,035, 13:16 Published in Israel Israel by UIIP Official Org

Hey everyone.

The UIIP has opened a min wage Grain company with offers at every skill level company so that people can work if there aren't any jobs posted. There are roughly 50 jobs posted at every skill level, so there should always be jobs posted if you are in need.

Also, raw material companies (like this one) are unique from others because in V2 you can join and leave RM companies without waiting the customary 3 day period. This should be very useful for soldiers who wish to deploy but still want to achieve a Hard Worker medal, or for anyone that needs a temp job while looking for better employment.

But if you find a better job, at a company paying a real wage and looking to operate at maximum efficiency (10 workers), please take that job (and leave the unemployment company if you are currently employed).

Any donations to help us keep running are appreciated, but we should be able to sustain ourselves for a while.

Am Yisrael Chai