TWO-New Alliances-Israel

Day 2,249, 07:56 Published in Israel Israel by John TG

Greetings dear Israeli citizens.

As you already know, TWO has dissolved.
TWO was the dominant alliance in the world, and after the dissolution of COT basically TWO had not any serious opponent.
But lately, there were many rumors, that there wasn't any strategic cooperation between TWO members, every TWO member ( especially the strongest TWO countries) were fighting only for their benefits and for their bonus. These actions caused conflicts between TWO members and finally the dissolution (that many players expected) has come.

Israel :

After dissolution of EDEN, Israel hasn't been an official member of any alliance.
We decided to remain allies with our 2 great neighbors Turkey and Greece, and signing 2 more mpps with Argentina and Serbia.

There are rumors that a new alliance will be created consisting Greece, Turkey and Argentina. Right now, these are only rumors so we cannot be sure for anything.

But if these rumors are true, then i strongly suggest to stick with our old allies, especially Turkey and Greece. It's wise for Israel to have as allies our 2 strong neighbors.

The above are just my personal opinions and suggestions and NOT governmental decisions.

John TG,
Prime Minister of Israel