Two Kingdoms

Day 749, 12:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Scipio The Great

What we have

This month we have had some good, optimistic days in the UK. The attacks on the US and Sweden were a success for us and our allies. We have come out stronger, more active and a far more interesting nation than we were before. We did well, doing what the US has been long goading us into doing and what no one thought we would ever do. Now the ball is firmly in their court (incidentally, after Jewitt's promises of attacking us if elected, it seems he misspelled UK and in fact meant Japan).

On the whole, externally, we are riding a wave of relative success. What we must not allow is for that to be lost while other issues distract our leaders.

So what's the problem?

The UK has in the past gone through periods of severe political disunity. No single Prime Minister or administration in general has as yet been innocent of hiding behind irrational hatred as a reason for not including certain people in government, for not being more open and transparent in its dealings, communications and general day to day business.

This weekend saw the most obscene display of hatred and animosity on our forums (I hate using fora) which came just days after the previous troubles over widds being allowed into the paras and the furore which ensued.

This must end. Although it is your right to be able to air whatever views you wish, some believe that their opinion is so unassailable in its veracity that they can rage unendingly, insulting whoever they want and slamming closed numerous doors on any potential unity and friendship among congressmen, ministers, lords and citizens.

The hatred and anger that explodes is absurd. Some people must understand that not only do they have a responsibility to the UK in helping to create a united and successful community, but that also new players look up to them (particularly if they're congressmen and lords) and I am certain many leave never to return after seeing the displays we can put on.

More than just the general UK public, congressmen and lorda, our ministers and leaders, official and not, must take up this responsibility and do their best to create a united community. Political parties force our hands in giving us a loyalty to them first and to the country second, forcing us into a hatred and animosity towards fellow UK citizens first and then enemies abroad. We are community divided and the wedges being driven in to force that gap open further come from the very top and as a result traverse the entire public spectrum.


Our priority MUST be the UK. Not parties, not RL ideals that have no place in eRepublik, not petty hatred and animosity or festering arguments from months gone by. We have to forget the politics and focus on the things that are actually achievable in this GAME. Creating a lasting and productive community, a healthy army and united front. Politics is for some important, but what we have gone through this week is not politics, but bitching that all too often stooped to personal levels.


This week I made the decision to leave the UK. This was as a result of a number of disappointments but came to a head after learning that a number of high ranking leaders of our country were comfortable in creating and nurturing a divided nation. I had a certain amount of respect for these people before this but saw that their stubbornness and hatred were too deeply embedded, that their priorities were personal and their ambitions selfish. I had the greatest of hope that we could start afresh in the form of Craig Rossiter, but it was not meant to be.

I wish woldy success and hope he gains the courage and conviction to finally stand up to those around him. But it is not on his shoulders that rests our answer in becoming united, as this can only be achieved by the greater community.

I guess what I’m trying to say is think before you start something, what will it achieve for the UK?

Maybe some of you do not care and prefer to fight it out in public, squabbling and raging over nigh on pointless issues. But I do care and I do not think that I am alone, and even though I have left, I do still want great and good things for the UK.

Love you all as usual 🙂