Two Houses For $1 Each! UPDATED

Day 699, 13:03 Published in USA USA by NeilP99

I recently announced that I would be leaving the eUS for a eWorld Tour that I hope will educate the people of the eUS about the rest of the eWorld and just have some fun. However, before I leave I want to do something fun as a goodbye. Because of a very good friend of mine in the game and a reader of this paper I have 2 houses that I don’t need. One is a Q1 and the other is a Q2. I’ve always thought it was good to try to help new players, so I’m going to make these houses very easy for someone to get. That’s right, I’m doing another house raffle.

I’ve done a few house raffles before, but for those of you who haven’t seen them, here are the rules. If you want to enter the raffle you just have to donate your money to me. One US dollar buys you one ticket. For each additional dollar you get another ticket, and there is no limit to the number of tickets that you can buy. The tickets can be bought until 2 days from when this article was published. Once those two days are up I take all the numbers I’ve assigned people for the tickets they purchased and run a random number generator. The number that comes up wins the house.

Someone could win a house for as little as $1. However, with each ticket you buy you increase your chances of winning, so the more you can buy the better your odds. What’s special about this raffle is that for each dollar you donate you’re really getting two tickets because if you don’t win the drawing for the Q2 house in the first round then you’ll still be entered in the drawing for the Q1 house in the second round.

Now I know that some of you might be skeptical, so I’d like to ask that any players who have known me for a long time or who have won one of my raffles in the past post a comment if they think I can be trusted. I’ve never ripped anyone off, and I pride myself for my reputation of being a honest guy in this game that is increasingly dealing with cheaters. Also, even if you’re not entering, I’d like to ask that you vote for this article so that more people who could use these houses see it and have the chance to enter. Once these houses have been raffled off I’m on my way to my first destination for my eWorld Tour. Good luck to all who enter, and thanks for reading.

USA222 was the winner of the Q2 House
Caleb Uzumaki was the winner of the Q1 House
Thanks to everyone that took part in the raffle!