Two Clickers, CLICK HERE

Day 802, 01:59 Published in Australia Australia by M0TT0M

Just wondering if their are some two-clickers who read articles,
If you are a two-clicker and you ARE reading this please please please leave a comment.

In your comment please say if you wouldn't mind working for a lower wage as long as you could keep your wellness up and keep a little in the bank, atleast until you decide to get active in eRep.

P.S Is there any Gov. Orgs where two clickers could work?

P.S.S If you ARE a two-clicker get involved a lil...

May I suggest the eAustralian Forums:
eAustralian Forums
And also the eAustralia IRC channel, #ausrep, on server:
Here is a link for mibbit (Free and utterly AWESOME):

Now if you're new to mibbit or IRC in general, I'll tell you what you need to do.
1, Open Mibbit link
2, Search for "Rizon[webirc]" where it says IRC:
3, Enter your desired nickname (Best to use your eRep profile name) where it says Nick:
4, Enter "#ausrep" in the section labeled Channel:
5, Once on feel free to say hello and introduce yourself (The people here are the active ones on eRep and can help you if you have problems)
6, Type "/msg nickserv register (password) (email addy)" to register your nick and stop others using it.