Tutorial( level 5)

Day 848, 10:37 Published in Norway Norway by Pressekontoret

HI! Today I made a tutorial for citizens who have level 5.

1. First, for fighting you must know that you need minimum wellness above 40. Every fight consumes 10wellness and 1 weapon (if any on inventory).
2. The attacker is always on the left and on the right is defender. In this page we can see the allies who help us in the conflict.
3. The citizen with the highest total damage in that battle are given at the end of the battle a medal called "Battle Hero" and receive 5 gold.
4. In the center we can see when the battle will finish.
5. You can see that how much damage made every citizen (allies or enemies).
7. Click FIGHT.
NOTE: When you have level 5 and you have about 45 wellness this means you will fight ONCE in the first day and after, you must go to the hospital and press Heal to regain wellness. The regained wellness depends on the quality of the hospital. A 5 star hospital will give you 50 wellness, a 1 star will heal you with 10 wellness, etc. You will have 85 wellness for the next day if the hospital is a 5 star one (quality 5/q5). Next day you will fight three times until you have 50+wellness , then you click HEAL and you have 100% wellness.


http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/4613/serepublik01.jpg" border="0" />

For starters you must know in what region you are. For this, we must click My places - Profile and you will see under picture in what region you are.

>http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/129/magazinesmainfull.jpg" border="0" />

1. After you know in what region you are, you click on the regions name

http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/2345/magazines.jpg" border="0" />

2. Click Heal and you will take 50 wellness. The hospital offers 50 wellness if it is q5.

http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/8672/erepubliknormalbig.jpg" border="0" />

NOTE: YOU can use hospital only once per day and only if you fight at least once in this day! Norway has q5 Hospital in all of it’s regions.

Minister of Public Relations