Tutorial : How to start a profitable business - Part 6

Day 814, 08:26 Published in Netherlands United Kingdom by Apotygma

Nowadays, everyone in eRepublik wants to start a company. Starting a company is the first step towards the wealth. It is also part of one of the main elements in eRepublik : economy. A lot of people seem to forget that eRepublik isn’t only about war, especially with the WW4 taking place right now, but also about economy. Every single product on the market is produced by a company owned by a player or by the state, even this last one can be considered as a player.

During the next couple of days, I’ll be presenting you how to run a successful company through different part of my (extensive) tutorial. Today, I’ll publish my second part : the financing of your company. If you didn’t read the first part, read it. You will find it here :

- PART 1 : The organization
*In english (published in UK)
*In Portuguese (published in Brazil and Portugal)
* Turkish (on his way)

- PART 2 : The financing
-In English (published in the USA)
-portuguese (Published in Portugal)

- PART 3 : The projections
-In English (published in Canada)

- PART 4 : The company
-In English (published in Australia)

- PART 5 : Starting up the company
- In English

If you want to translate this tutorial in another language, please PM me.

PART 6 : How to sell your products and dividends

If you followed everything from the start you should now have a good running company. Congratulations ! Every day you have products being produced, you just need to learn how to sell them. Selling them is the most important part of the business, you can have crappy employees, shit margins, but time you manage to sell your products : you are good.

So, how can you sell products?

A – The local market

When you start up a company, you get one license for free. This license allows you to sell your products in the country where you are located without paying import taxes. I suppose that all of you know how the Marketplace works, so no need to explain it.

To sell your products on your local market, it is very easy :

Click on sell products here and the price you want to sell them and then “Save”. Very easy, you can then update the offer as much as you want to. When you sell products, don’t be afraid if you see that your stock is lowering; This is normal, the products are now just located on the market. If you cancel your order, all the products you where selling will go back into your stock.

But what prices do you have to set? In general, the best is to set the lowest price on the market, even if this means that you will have lower margins. Most people do this because they have to finance only a little of their stock. With this I mean that they keep their stock low and they don’t have to inject extra money for wages and raws until they can sell their products.

For some products, being able to wait is very interesting. For MT’s congress elections are curtail as a lot of parties will do tactical voting, moving a lot of their electors around in order to get more seats. Generally in this periods, prices rise and you will be able to sell for a big price your MT’s. This also prevails in time of war.

I say : always sell at the lowest price, you never know what can happen. But, with time and analysis of the market, you will be able to judge this yourself. Every market is different.

B – Export licenses

Ba – To other countries

As I already mentioned, you can also buy export licenses to other countries. These licences allow you to sell on the market of foreign countries. This works exactly the same, the only thing that changes is that you will need to pay import taxes. Import taxes are very important because exporting to a country with a 99% import taxes is meaningless !

You can easily find the import taxes for a specific product over here : http://ereptools.net/market/countries/ind/3/q/1. If you want to buy an export license, always look there first.

But why can an export license be interesting? As I already mentioned, prices can vary through time. Sometime they will take a hit and dive, after that be higher than ever. An export licence can be very interesting in time of “Depression”. It will allow you to sell in another country that has higher sell prices and this way keep earning money.
Export licenses are very expensive : 20 gold, and thereby nearly meaningless for Q1 and Q2 companies. Investing is a good option if you want to upgrade your company as export licenses remain forever. Otherwise, just sell your company and buy another one in another country.

Bb – into your country

We are today in time of war and some regions swap hands pretty quickly. Many of you will see that when the region swaps hand, your company will not be able to sell on the market of the new owner of the country and will have to pay import taxes on the products it was selling before.

This can be though times, but are also a business opportunity. When a region swaps control, you can buy for 5 gold an export license to that country. A license that will remain after the region swaps again. It is thereby a very cheap license

I know examples of people that took advantage of this and cold sell their products on another market. A market with higher prices and have profit margins of 30-40% during the occupation !.

Bc – Attention !

We have to point out that licenses are not without risk. They can give you a huge advantage and high profit margins, but they can also be a waste of money. Licenses always remain, but this does not mean you can keep using them at any time.

There are two main actions that can cause a license to stop working :

1 – There is a war between the two countries or between allies of this to countries. This will create an automatic embargo and you can’t do anything about it. So when you buy a license, be sure that you buy a license towards a country that is in the same alliance as the country your company is settled in. As in eRepublik everything turns around wars, it is very important that you take as less risks as possible.

2 – The congress decides that there should be an embargo towards a certain country. After that, you cannot sell your products there anymore until it runs out. A trading embargo lasts for at least 30 days, so be very careful about that to.

C – Try the government

Governments are also big consumers through the supplies for the army. Most of them are brought of the market or through private contracts with businesses. Don’t hesitate to contact your government if you want to sell some of your products, some of them even post what they need on the forum.

When you do this, you must be aware that governments often buy products at the lowest price in the world. They are big enough and have organizations all around the world to be able to buy it themselves if needed. Often they prefer asking citizens as they will help their own, so stay alert for any possibility.

D – the black market

DA – Presentation

The black market is a market that requires the most effort and will often earn less money than the marketplace. For most products, it is not useful lot do it (like Q1 products), for others, especially high quality products like Q5 weapons and Q5 houses this will be the only way to sell your products ! People have to realize that this is also a quite competitive market as only a few people will be interested in buying the products on the black market just because they cannot have it directly.

How does this go? I am sure that all of you have already seen newspapers that where published all around the world trying to sell your several kind of products. Most of the time, cheaper than your home market. Some very good deals can be made with them, so look out for it as consumer.

As seller they will be your worst nightmare as you will have to be more convincing or selling at lower prices than they are. Often, the prices will even be lower than the international low so hard to make money with them.

DB – So how does this work

The first thing to do is to identify possible customers. Several ways can be used to attract them, forums, IRC, friends, but most of the time newspapers. You will by this need a newspaper in your organization, don’t use your citizens account as people may PM you with hate messages. Keep business out of your private life 😁

After that post articles all around the world with your prices. Try to have a good layout, well written, this will help. Be aware that there is now a spam policy, so doing this will be at your own risks. You don’t risk permanent ban, but your articles will probably be deleted.

Second way is to PM everyone in certain countries. Take countries with high prices and PM every single citizen. Takes very long, nobody likes it, but like spam there are always people that react. Even if only 1% reacts (same ratio as spam) you will have easily 20-30 customers.

Now, you have several customers, but how can you get the products out of your company to donate them. This cannot be done directly, so we will have to use a little backdoor. To do it, you will need your organization in the same country as your company (or an organization of a friend). You will sell the products on the market at a very high price and you will buy them yourself with your organization. Don’t set a to high price, set it just high enough so that nobody buys them. After that, you can donate the products to your customers !

You will probably say : do to this I will need to put money in my organization each time. True, but there is a way to retract the money from your company with using the collect button and paying income tax.

E – How to get money out of your company

I already told you how to set offers on the Monetary Market in one of the previous parts. Today, I will teach you how you can use the MM to get money out of your company free of taxes. We are going to suppose that you have only local currency to take out.

What are you going to do? Go to the monetary market and take your organization account. Let’s say you want to get 500 NLG out of your company. What you do is set an offer with your organization account to sell gold. To get 500 NLG out you will propose this offer :

- Sell 0,01 gold for 1 gold = 50000NLG

How does this work exactly. Very easy, you will in fact buy this 0,01 gold with your companies account and you will pay 500 NLG for 0.01 gold. This way, you will have 500 NLG in your org and 0.01 gold in your company after the operation.

Be very careful using this, it is easy to swap the rates and you could easily lose a lot of money with it.

If you want to take gold out, same thing. Let’s suppose 5 gold, you then enter :

- Sell 1 NLG for 1NLG = 5 Gold

And then buy it with your companies account. Easy as hell, and it will save you a lot of money.

F - Varia

And the varia :

This one is definitly my favourit