Tutorial for New Players: Part I - Wellness

Day 698, 12:29 Published in USA Finland by avec
Tutorial for New Players: Part I - Wellness

I've stumbled upon dozens of new players who have just started playing, but don't know how or why to do certain things. It's easy to get a job and train, but what then? What are these things people talk about, like 'Q3 company', 'wellness', 'high quality food' etc. Simply put, to understand what they mean, you need to read and learn. Still, there's a basic problem in the most common tutorials people are guided to. Every tutorial out there basically says you need to work and train every day, but that's pretty much how far they go.

In this article I intend to emphasize on explaining what wellness is, it's nothing new or nothing what other tutorials don't explain, but here the concept is in one article, not scattered around a series of articles or wiki pages.

Step 1: Learn to care about your wellness

New players, this is the one single most important thing you need to learn first. Taking care of your wellness. When you click on your profile and open the 'Bio' tab, you'll see how much your wellness currently is. Most likely for you it's something between 40-60 if you've just started the game as everyone begin from 50 wellness points.

Your first priority at this point is to increase your wellness. When you select a company to work in, look at the stars next to company. The Job Market might look something like this:

There, you'll notice that for example company 'PDF Puu + NOR EXPO' has three stars next to its name, while other offers have just one or two stars. Even though the higher star company may have higher salary offer, don't take that offer. If you work there (three stars =: Q3 company), you'll lose three wellness points each time you work. That means, if you work and train every day, you'll lose four wellness points each day. So, after first day in eRepublik, having worked in a Q3 company, you end up that way with 46 wellness points.

To get those four wellness points back, you need to eat four star food (= Q4 food) every day. Most likely your salary isn't that high yet so you could buy Q4 food every day, probably not even Q3 food, so you'll end up losing four wellness points each day, and gaining 1-2 points back with food you can afford to buy. Even if you could afford to buy Q4 food or higher, you'll only end up bankrupt very fast.

Step 2: Buying food and how it affects your wellness

Working and training decrease your wellness (working by the quality of your company, training -1 wellness point/day). Consuming food increases your wellness. I mentioned above that ”to get those four wellness points back, you need to eat four star food (= Q4 food)”. By this, I mean that food increases your wellness. After you have worked (or before working), go to Market Place and buy Q2 food. Buying 1-2 pieces is enough, you get that food in your inventory and it is consumed automatically when the day changes, you don't need to try to eat it yourself. If your wellness is 48 after you've worked and trained and you've bought 1 Q2 food, the next day your wellness is back to 50. That's the ideal case at first, simply maintain your wellness till your working skill increases. I'll explain why simply keeping your wellness at 50 at first is enough, raising it up is explained later.

Step 3: Play on, gain gold and fight in a war

After you have picked a Q1 company to work in, the next task is to simply keep doing the three basic functions each day for a week or so until you can move on. Working and training gives you so called experience points each time you work and train, and experience points increase the level of your player. When you reach level 5, you get to fight, and soon after, you receive your first level-up gold (5 G on reaching level 6).

This is the point where keeping up your wellness pays off. To fight in a war, you need to have at least 40 wellness points. If your wellness has decreased below 40, you can't fight. Even though you might not have began playing so you could 'fight', fighting has another useful purpose too, and that is, getting your wellness up.

I want you to fight - and increase your wellness

If you've read news articles, you've most likely stumbled upon government battle orders at some point, which, in most countries have a rudimentary fighting tutorial embedded in them. They all say, that you need to move to a region which has a Q5 hospital in them. Follow that advice and the steps detailed in those tutorials, I'll carry on from there.

When you fight, you lose 10 wellness points each time you press that 'Fight' button. If at first you have 50 wellness, you press 'Fight' once, you end up with 40 wellness. That's where you need to stop, return to main battle page, and from there get to hospital. If you live in a hospital region, the battle page gives you a link to hospital, where you can press 'Heal'. This is the trick how you can get your wellness up: hospitals give you wellness after fighting. A Q1 hospital heals you 10 points, Q2 20 points, a Q5 hospital gives you 50 wellness points. By fighting once (losing 10 wellness points), and then using a Q5 hospital, you end up with 40 wellness points more than you started with. This way, within two days, you can get your wellness up to 100 and keep it there.

Beware: You can use hospital only once a day. Once you've fought and used the hospital, don't fight anymore on the same day. Getting your wellness up and keeping it there every time the day changes is priority 1 for all players.

Why keep wellness up?

Each time you work, your productivity is calculated by a formula that factors in your wellness. Higher wellness => higher productivity, and higher productivity means your company manager is happy. His/her company produces more the higher wellness you have, which means s/he makes more profit, which means s/he can offer you higher salary. Most company managers give you wage based on your productivity, so by keeping up your productivity, you'll end up with higher salary.

Besides producing more, higher wellness means you can fight more than once each day if you start the day with high wellness. If you have 50 wellness points by the start of the day, you can fight only once if you plan on getting your wellness up to 90+ by the end of the day. If you however begin the day with 100 wellness points, you can fight up to 5 times per day, and end the day with 100 wellness.

This should cover it. My tips about fighting are confined in this article only to how new players should act. Eventually you'll learn other fighting tactics, or the reverse way of each day beginning with 100 wellness points but ending up with 50 points, which is just as good way, but the method I described is how you should begin. One thing you should read between the lines is that you can't achieve high wellness, high salary or fighting skills in a day or two. You need to continue playing for weeks, and only after that your work pays off. Until then you should emphasize on reading news, knowing what happens around you, what other players are up to, what aspects are important, and, how game mechanics work.

I might write something more abstract next, like a tutorial into politics, or how macro-economy works in this game, or how military is organised in this game. Something nice, but I want to work it up first so I won't end up writing a dull or useless article. Some article about the relation of in-game events to off-game structures would probably do, I want to earn my Media Mogul medal with quality articles, so if you like, please vote & subscribe. Till then, I let you off with this picture:


Avec, former President of eFinland, Minister of Defence, Minister of Foreign Affairs, 4-time congressman, Paratrooper Platoon Leader, etc etc...