Turks OUT of Greece!

Day 1,364, 14:46 Published in Greece USA by Pizza The Hut

During my time in eGreece, I have come to realize the shocking revelation more and more, that not only have the Turks managed to deceive the Greek government into befriending them, but a disturbing and shocking number of people here actually believe that the Turks want to be friends and are trustworthy allies. Like the saying goes, there's a sucker born every minute. How many times do these people have to lie to you before you finally understand that they cannot be trusted? Sad, very sad....

Even eIsrael which was totally conquered by the Turks now call them allies. This is just a manipulative tactic used for them to reach their end goal. It is absolutely ridiculous that Greeks and Israelis would trust the Turks after what they have done. This is exactly what they did in real life, invade Cyprus and then they wanted to be "friends" and weak, foolish people thought that they had good intentions. They have not had good intentions for the past thousand plus years, and they do not have them now, and it is a shame that so many in the eUSA, eGreece, eIsrael and other places are too blind to see that.

I am really tired of everyone using FYROM as an excuse. Turks are FAR worse and are far more dangerous and never tell the truth. They simply deceive you long enough to be able to get what they want from you and then they do it all over again and convince people to believe them. In fact, FYROM along with Israel, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Hungary, Serbia, etc. should ALL be used as military allies to destroy the Turks and kick them out of Turkish-occupied Eastern Thrace & Anatolia and to liberate Greek Cyprus from occupation. TRUE Patriots never forget who the enemy is. The question is, are YOU a Patriot?

For those of you with short memories, allow me to remind you of a certain man who had the choice to be a Turkish puppet and trust them, but he was wise and brave and he chose to defend a holy and sacred place. Do not prove to the enemy that men like him are no more. Instead stand up, and whatever the odds, man the walls and NEVER SURRENDER! NEVER give up! NEVER join the enemy!

Pizza The Hut
Defender of Justice