Turkey to declare war on Greece

Day 626, 10:17 Published in Israel USA by Aeroner

It is being voted in congress right now whether turkey should go to war with Greece to get back regions they've lost in the resistance wars.

I felt it neccessary to write an article because Greece and Turkey are close neighbors, and what happens to them could affect what happens to us. Could Turkey actually attack us to get back the regions they lost from us in the liberation now that they are trying to get back the regions lost in Greece? What if Greece asks us for help? Would we really help Greece against Turkey? We know what it's like to be occupied( well I don't, but some do) by Turkey. Do we really want the same for Greece?

EDITE😨 After looking over the situation, I think that we should help Greece in any way we can. Although jib817 made some very good points, fighting with Greece against Turkey is not giving up on America. I do not think we should sacrifice helping Greece for the sake of America. we can split our forces. It will take coordination, but it's not impossible. Fighting for America and leaving Greece would be a kick in the face for Greece. America helped us, we helped them. Now we need to repay a favor to Greece. They helped us, now it's time for us to help them.

What do you think?