Turkey free Israel and fast!

Day 442, 07:22 Published in Spain USA by Collinar

Hello my brothers:
American, Turkish and Jewish.
This article is for you!
Moshe Dayan has warned you that you need to accept the reigon for gold contract or else....
Or else.....
You will be sorry for each second minute and day if you reject the contract!
We the jewish are not sow weak!
We are hundreds of jews how will fight for Israel!
And even some more thousands that will fight for a free Israel!
But now its in your hand... Inervus and next president of Turkey!
Wr hope for peace in the reigon that Turkey will accept!
Moshe Dayan and our leaders wont wait to much!
So do it fast!
And think good!
I hope you will do the right thing!
And may god bless the world!