TUP January 2009 Presidential Candidate

Day 409, 09:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

"Who is running for The Unity Party?" I hear you screaming. With the big event coming ever closer and no campaign started, the question is on the tip of everyones tongues. Mutters about the "coalition" and the "death of democracy" echo around eRepublik placing the spotlight well and truly upon us (As well as Relic and Deathtoll).

The TUP forum has been an area of much activity over the last week, as we discussed to great lengths what exactly should our plans be for the up and coming election. With Dish no longer the UKRP candidate, the first question became: Should we be backing Deathtoll?

After seeing the result of first of many polls, it became abundantly clear, that the active members of TUP would much rather field their own candidate than back one from another party. With 75% voting "No" to Deathtoll, could we possibly give him our support? The answer to your questions: No, we will not be continuing to endorse UKRP or the coalition.

So who to field from the Home Team?

Squiddy, of course would be our prime candidate, considering he is the Party President, and perhaps one of the most active and motivated members of The Unity Party. However, with Real Life taking a firm priority, and his many roles within the game absorbing so much of his time, Squiddy decided that now would not be the best time for him to run a campaign.

This, however, was not the end of the discussion. Several names were thrown into the mix as to who could replace Squiddy in the run for Country President. The top of that list was Ares989. Both qualified and capable, the only concern became the lack of preparation our potential candidate would have before the big day, with official statements and manifestos already coming thick and fast from the other competitors.

It is, therefore, with a heavy heart that I must inform you, that this term TUP will not be putting forward a candidate of our own. With the welfare of the country at heart, we feel we should not provide a representative that will not be 100% prepared for the role of Country President.

To add to this, poll results show that we shall also not be endorsing any other candidate. We feel all citizens should be allowed to make up their own minds in the coming elections.

Do not take this to mean that The Unity Party is on a downward spiral. We will be back next term, with a manifesto that will knock your socks off!