TUP is the place to be!

Day 3,326, 08:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Madelina de Melrose

Happy Holidays!

We in TUP hope you've had a great holiday so far and that your New Year is full of joy. Without too much of a hangover.

The Unity Party (TUP) is one of the most established parties in the eUK, if not THE most. We have produced many a CP and Minister over the years... because we work on the basis that in order to succeed, one must have the knowledge and experience needed to climb to higher levels. We have the members who have that knowledge and experience, and are willing to help others gain it.

We have been one of the top 5 parties since time immemorial, but as with all of the eUK, we have seen membership drop. Too many people are leaving the game and too few joining it.

So why should you join TUP? Mentoring, access, the opportunity to sit in Congress to learn how it works, good people, no trolls, a sense of family.... that is TUP. We're not flash trash, we are solid and we want to make sure you learn to love this game and do well in the process.