TT, (The Technocrats) Political program short edition.

Day 267, 07:53 Published in Norway Norway by Anders.

TT, (The Technocrats) Political program short edition.

This is the TT-program short edition, the extended one will be published later.

TT will strive to offer you Humanity, Prosperity, friendship and protection. Join the party and you will know where we stand, details, circumstances and environment are going to change, and TT will adapt accordingly. But we’re gone defend the same principles to morrow as we do to day.

1. We’re going to defend individuality, someone likes to participate a lot, but some likes to relax, and you are both welcome.
2. We will as a party help new members to find their way in the game.
3. We will try to achieve things, try to grow, try to be prosperous, but not at the price of humanity, individuality and friendship.

Our economy needs to pulse with the rest of the eworld’s financial activity. And we will focus on the following:
- Move tax pressure towards VAT.
- TT will present an active and open trade policy in line with eNoreay’s interests.
- We will introduce a low firm tax to relocate money where it is needed most.
- Work for increased wages, increased prices and increased wealth, considered competitiveness on the export marked.
- Make ends more easily met for new citizens.
- Give firms incentives to hire new employees.
- Our monetary policy is to be stimulating and active.
- Increase gold reserves and have standing exchange offers from various foreign currencies to NOK to meet the present needs.
- Do what we can to balance the eNorwegian economy.

Inclusion of our citizens and policy (Guidelines).

- TT will work for openness, that all decisions are to be made instantly available to the public, unless the information is very sensitive.
- The public has the right to see what is going on in the Congress and elsewhere as well.
- TT has and will continue to improv the constitution.
- We will propose new laws and guidelines along with the political decision making in the Congress.
- TT will present a fair hospital policy throughout our vast empire.

Foreign policy and warfare:
- A careful policy of expansion in counsel with our allies
- TT will extend our diplomatic activity towards other countries.
- We will execute utmost respect for other nations and foreign leadership.

- TT will prepare our army forces to be ready to defend our empire. Our army will be measured towards the strongest army in the eworld, to always be prepared to defend our freedom and right to exist as a sovereign state.
- TT will support the effort to make guidelines for how to mobilise our efforts in time of an enemy attack. A plan for mobilising the military, but also our economy and other actions to be taken.

TT welcome all members new and old to give their opinion and to participate.