tt for congress

Day 490, 15:07 Published in Norway Norway by reboot

earlier this year the first attempt at a TO was started by kartal61 who bribed his way into party president in united enorway. after this there have been a couple of attempts, first the russians and then the hungarians. the hungarians are trying to do a TO tomorrow, we must vote enorwegian in this dire situation. those you can safely vote for are those who are listed as not goons in this list

i and the rest of the tt party, have been working on this list. and i want to give a special thank to Bjelland, KristofferAG and Evleos in respective order, for their hard work on this matter. Although the active rest of the party have done a good job. we did in the end get in touch with the party president of the united enorway party and pushed two more goons out of the run in ostlandet. the majority of goons still candidate their evil for congress from the old communist party of enorway.

after finishing my fourth period i congress, i have witnessed a lot of changes in enorway and have grown even more nationalistic over the last year.
i now candidate in volga-vyatka competing with snorre sturlason and four goons. i hereby ask you all to vote enorwegian, not to sell your country and place your vote as late as possible, and move if needed to secure a enorwegian congress.

and it is in my opinion that peace should be destroyed

lenge leve enorge, lenge leve atlantis
long live enorway, long live atlantis
vote safe, vote TT
your vice pressident reboot