Trying Something a Little New

Day 691, 23:38 Published in South Africa South Africa by AGW and Co

Welcome to the inaugural article of the official newspaper of the Associates of General Wellness.

What is this paper going to entail, besides a lot of prepositions if that first sentence is any indication for the sentences to come?

A couple of things:

1. Our party's manifesto/tenets/beliefs.

2. Articles about our congressmen candidates.

3. Interviews and other fun things.

4. Other official aspects/news stories/current events involving the AGW or eSA.

Sorry to be so vague at this point, but I have high hopes for this paper. Hopefully it won't crash and burn. There will be no secrecy or shady undertones. The idea is to provide transparency and information to the public. So, stay tuned. This should be fun.

-Tacointern, Editor-in-Chief