
Day 305, 15:56 Published in USA USA by Atlien

I am opening this newspaper with an explanation of Truth. We all know that truth and politics are hardly ever hand in hand. Deceptive tactics and lies are prevalent in today's society and most people either don't know about it or simply accept the fact that it happens. This does not have to be the case. We elect politicians that fill out minds with promises of better days, but they never advertise what we have to lose in order to obtain a better life. Why?

A lot of ideas to make this world a better place require some or a lot of sacrifice in order to get there, but why hide what has to be sacrificed? Most modern day politicians promise change. Better education, cleaner streets, low crime, and better health care. But why hide the fact that most of these ideas require higher taxes and will negatively effect everything that is not included in the list? Most people do not think of this and for those that do, why do you accept this way of life? I personally do not.

This must change. Lying and politics no longer have to go hand in hand. If a plan is made and publicized to the people, the people deserver to know the full extent of it. It is very hard to advertise the negatives in your campaign when your opponent only addresses his positives. That is the main problem today. That is why I felt that this article was necessary. You must open your eyes and start thinking about the full extent of things. You must step back and wonder why does candidate A's platform sounds so very wonderful... too wonderful... what in my life will be negatively affected by this "wonderful" platform.

I personally have found a certain political group that shares my same feelings. The Illuminati, which simply means “enlightened ones”. Browsing the party's page it simply states everything I was looking for in the mission statement:

"We are a group of citizens who seek to promote absolute truth in our government and daily lives. We hold ourselves, our elected officials, and government to the highest standards. We are not a secret organization. We are however very private in our actions and do not seek fame or glory, only truth and liberty for our world all based on duing business on the square."

The purpose of The Illuminati is not to only know the truth, but be truthful in our everyday lives. By living by such a code of ethics, there is no place for deception or lies. The only way is the path to righteousness and liberty for all people. I employ you to look at [a url=]The Illuminati[/a] as your organization and even if it is not for you, please practice the ideas that I have mentioned in your everyday life.

The truth will always prevail.