True Blue Creations ~ The extensive guide

Day 649, 03:42 Published in Australia Australia by corny-ratbag

1. Introduction
2. GM Records
a. Managing company registration
b. Finance table
c. Employee table
d. Potential employee wage calculator
e. Exporting table
3. Kumnaas Calculators
4. Erepublik Search
5. eAustralia Radio
6. Market watch
7. What do people think about True Blue Creations and GM Records?
8. Conclusion
9. FAQ

True Blue Creations was at first created to offer an online version of the very successful spreadsheet, GM Records. GM Records is the original company calculator with the first publically available version dating back to mid 2008. It was originally only personally used to manage a number of True Blue International’s companies. I saw it as a great asset as it made day to day and long term plans easy to execute. Therefore I thought that I would share it with the world, for free! From there the offline version has had well over 2000 downloads and True Blue Creations has just tipped over 1000 users. It is an ever evolving project as all suggestions are thought about and executed if possible and is now the most feature rich company calculator available.

Today, True Blue Creations is also ever evolving. It not only hosts GM Records but it now also hosts a number of other great tools and even the eAustralia Podcast. In this article I will be walking you through all the current tools and features, as well as giving hints to what you might see in the future.

GM Records
GM Records is now in its 7th release and boasts a ton of handy features. Unlike other calculators available it offers suggestions to what prices you should set for your products, as well as what wage you should give each of your employees according to your profits. It allows you to set a profit margin that you would like to get back when selling your products and also has a long awaited exporting module. I will quickly walk you through each of the features and how to use them.

Managing company registration
Before you start managing your companies, you must first register them. Once your company is registered you will be able to conveniently access all your information on any computer with internet access.

Once you have registered your username on True Blue Creations (here) simply select “GM Records” from the menu. This will take you to your personal profile page. Here you will find the list of companies that you have registered. In coming releases you may also find information such as your organisations overall performance and notifications of events such as if an employee has left your company and if your product has been under cut on the market or has sold out.

To register a company using your profile page, simply search for your company by using its ID number. The ID of your company can be found at the end of its url (eg If you have entered the correct information you will then see your search results. Simply click “Register” and the company will then be linked to your profile.

Once you have registered your company it will be displayed on your TBC profile page. To view a company’s details simply click on its name and it will take you to its page.
If you accidently registered the wrong account or you have sold your company simply click unregister and the company will be removed from your profile.

Finance table
When viewing a company’s page you will notice up the top there are a few details outside of the finance table. Starting from the left you have, the country’s flag that the company is in, the companies name, the number of employees the company has, the domain of the company and its quality.

The finance table is the part that all the number crunching happens. It outlines all your operational income and expenditure as well as Recommended prices and Raw Material used. To save these details for later use, simply hit the save button below the employee table.

To ensure you understand the details of each item in the table, below is a definition for each:
Stock: The amount of finished items/stock the company currently holds.
RM in stock: The amount of Raw Material (such as grain or wood) the company currently holds.
RM Price: The cost per unit of the RM that the company holds (Q5 for 2.50AUD = 0.5AUD per unit).
VAT tax (coming soon): The VAT tax of your company’s current location (not for Land companies).
Income tax (coming soon): The Income tax of your company’s current location.
Current price: The price that you sell your products for before tax.
Cost Price: The cost of producing one finished item/stock.
Rec Retail Price: The Recommended retail price according to your profit margin aim.
Profit Margin Aim: The profit margin you would like to achieve (in percentage).
Daily Income: The income you get on a daily basis, if all your products sell for your set current price.
Daily Expenses: The expense your company will incur on a daily basis if all workers marked as active and the correct amount of RM is purchased at the set RM price (not land companies).
Daily Profit/Loss: the daily profit/loss that the company takes.
Current profit margin: The current margin that the company is running at.
Daily Products Made: The number of products the company will output if all workers marked as active work that day
Break Even sell: The number of items you have to sell on a daily bases to recover your operational expenses before you start to make profit
Wages Surplus/Deficit: The difference between the recommend wages and your current set wages. This can be used to work out how much extra you can give a hard working employee.

Employee table
The employee table is where all your current employee’s details will be found. This table can be sorted as you like by clicking on the heading of the column you would like the table to be sorted by. To save these details for later use, simply hit the save button below the table.

To ensure you understand what each column represents, the definitions are as follows:
# (hover over for details): If the employee works each day
Name: The name of the employee.
Skill: The skill of the employee.
Wellness: The current wellness of the employee.
Productivity: The productivity of the employee in their current state.
Current wage: The current wage you pay the employee.
Rec Wage: The wage recommended to pay that employee according to your set profit aim.
Employee Profit: The profit that the employee brings in the company.
The averages and totals are located at the bottom of the page so that you can quickly see how your employees are fairing overall.

Potential employee wage calculator
The potential employee wage is a little tool that can be used to calculate the number of items a potential employee will produce and the recommended wage to pay them. To use it simple enter the total number of employees that the company will have once the new employee is employed, the skill of the employee and their wellness. Once you have done that the number of items and recommended wage will be displayed to help you offer them a wage or decide to take an offer or not.
This tool is also very handy for posting new job offers as it will give you an idea of what you will be able to pay (while staying in your profit aim) which can be compared against the current job offers on the market.

Exporting table
The long awaited exporting table .... this is used to calculate the recommended price of your items on an overseas market. This is a very handy tool as it shows the prices after tax and also compares it to your current profit aim.

To ensure you understand each of the items the definitions are as follows:
1 {currency} = [value] gol😛 This is the exchange rate of your local currency when buying it with gold (can be found on the Monetary market, however it updates automatically according to current offers).
Country: The country of export (if you hover over the name it will display the taxes for that country, if they are incorrect please click on the countries name and update the taxes accordingly).
Exchange: The amount of the foreign countries currency it takes to purchase gold (can be found on the Monetary market, however it updates automatically according to current offers).
Cost price: The cost price of the item in the exporting countries currency.
RRP before tax: The recommended retail price in the foreign currency before tax.
Current price: The current price you sell at in the exporting country.
Cur price after tax: The price that you are currently selling at after all taxes, this is what customers will pay.
Profit margin: The profit/loss margin you make in that country.
Number sol😛 The number of items you sell in that country. This is used to work out the profit of that country, as well as the Daily Income of the company.
Profit: The profit from the number of items you sell in both your local and the foreign currency.

Kumnaas Calculators
Kumnaa’s calculators made by none other than Kumnaa are currently being transferred from the CCCP-Group website. They include things such as monetary exchange, wellness, working and training calculators. The page is currently a mess as they are still being transferred, however in the future I hope to make it a simple and easy to use part of the True Blue Creation website.

Erepublik Search
This is something a lot of people have been looking for. It’s a customised search engine that allows you to search for almost anything in erepublik. This includes newspaper articles, political parties and companies. It is very handy for finding articles that were published a few days ago and have gone off the news page.

Search your name ... I dare you 😛

Gavator is a program created by Derek Apollyon which will get the url of your avatar from erepublik. Now ... even I asked the questions “what can I do with that?” The answer is simple, you can use it to link your forum avatar to the one you have on erepublik. Your forum avatar will then be updated automatically when you change your erepublik avatar, pretty cool huh?

eAustralia Radio
Radio eAustralia News is a daily podcast that looks at events that have happen around the entire eWorld. It is hosted by crowdedhouse who is a professional radio presenter who likes to keep up to date with all the current news. The podcast has been setup so that you can subscribe to it through RSS feeders such as iTunes. The link can be found at the bottom of the podcast page.

Market watch
Market watch is an upcoming project that will include functions such as the cheapest items in the world, price watch which will track the price of each product in all countries, recommended trading on the monetary market and many more. I hope to have the beta of this up and running in the coming month.

What do people think about True Blue Creations and GM Records?
"GM Records is the tool any erep manager should have, it is fast, reliant and ever developing. Its calculations are accurate and has helped me make a massive fortune so far." - Srg91

"GM Records helps me to accurately analyse whether my business model is profitable or not." - Garven Dreis

"GM records is a way to analyse your entire company portfolio in Real Time. It allows the GM to make good economic decisions based on up to date data, from where to export, what price to sell at through to how much to pay your employees and how much profit you're making each day. It is a well rounded and great application that is constantly developing and evolving to be better. Highly recommended to any player who wants to consider themselves an expert GM" - Son of rambo

"Without GM records it would have been impossible for us to co-manage our companies especially with the time issues we both had before gm records we would both spend hours working everything out even the old spreadsheet still took a lot of time and required maintenance. This is a dream!" - Cerridwen Voeland

True Blue Creations is an ever evolving website exclusively hosted to make your elife easier and informed. If you would like to give back to the programmer simply click on the advertisements on the right hand side of the site, doing so would be greatly appreciated.
If you have software that you would like to host on my site feel free to send me a PM or email.

Until next time .... cya.

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It will not find my company, your search function sucks!!!
Are you entering only the company ID? Many people put in the entire url or the name, this is the incorrect was to search for items. You have to enter only the number at the end of the company’s url.

What happens if someone registers my company? Will they have access to my information?
They will have access to the info that you can see on erep however they will NOT see confidential information such as prices you sell at and RM neither will they see wage values.

Two people own a company, can we link the accounts so we can both see the details?
Unfortunately you can’t link accounts. To get around this I suggest you have an account under your organisations name and both access the information through that.

The number of products produced is slightly out, have I done something wrong?
No, this would be because the workers wellness was not the same as what is currently listed. Unfortunately I cannot gather their wellness of when they worked.