Trouble in Haiti and keeping yourself secure

Day 785, 17:09 Published in South Africa Israel by Amun Nefer

Hey all, I haven't written an article in a while, but now I'm semi-back. As eSA VP I am proud to congratulate Mr. Morcom on his recent victory. Now down to business.

Death and Destruction in Haiti. Your Cash (Service if you can) is NEEDED!

Sorry for the RL, but given the fact that some of y'all are more than willing to give your money to get gold from this game, I think you can put it towards charity as well.

Here is an article with some useful links:

Here is a site that gives you a list of the best charities to donate to:

Be weary about donating to the American Red Cross as they use 10 cents from every dollar for their funds for "administrative costs" including 463K in yearly compensation for the CEO of the Branch:

As always don't be a noob, if you get an email from any charity you have not subscribed to it is a scam. There are some people more than willing to use any tragedy that can to part you from your money, so make sure your USD, Euros or GBP go to someone who actually needs it.

Security Stuffz

Attention Saffas, Amerinoobz, Euroz and Brits. The Net is a dangerous place. Are you at risk? Well ask yourself, &quot😉o I not have decent security?", &quot😉o I share sensitive personal info like my name with complete strangers?", &quot😉o I not use a vhost in IRC?" and &quot😉o I not change my passwords regularly?" If you answered yes to any of these then you're definitely at risk.

^Your Typical h4x0r

Security is vital on any comp. Norton is a crappy bit of software to say the least. If you would like to know what free products for Windows you can get, please PM me for info. (Mac users, well I can't help you, probably regret buying that garbage now dontcha? 😛)

If you answer yes to the middle two, the solution is clear. Unless you REALLY trust someone, never share your address, IP or your name with anyone online. If you are unable to do this please disconnect your internet and defenestrate (to toss out a window) your computer(s).

Remember your password in most cases is the only thing keeping Mr. Hacker from your paypa, or Amazon account, so please change them regularly, and try to have something that isn't easily guess like your name or your cat's name. remember to use numbers, upper and lowercase letters and characters like /[\😉'.

Stay Safe Everyone!

Thank You.

Amun Nefer, Vice President of eSouth Africa