Trolling the News, Day 1,011

Day 1,011, 19:49 Published in USA USA by rivere123
America v. Russia, August 27, 2010
Yet again the Russians knock on America's door. The cold lands of Alaska are an all-too familiar battleground for the two countries. Today marks the 4th time Alaska becomes a state in the crossfire in the past month and a half. After relations became hotter than usual with Russia, thanks to the Russian invasion and occupation of much of the American West that was crushed in late July, the USA invaded the infamous Far Eastern Region, but this time was different than any other.

The US marched into the battle. I doubt any one soldier was extremely confident about a win- the incumbent president, Krems, was probably testing his luck. But they won and claimed the first ever important titanium region in the name of America. This began a string of attacks that ended with the destrutcion of a large part of Russia, and the plundering of enough resources to be considered the most successful American invasion of the age-old enemy ever.

Then the Russians came back. America conquered Eastern Siberia, and the Russians promptly invaded to retake it. America replied by invading Western Siberia. Both battles were won, but the Russians were ready for more war. After chanting of president St Krems reaching the Kremlin in Moscow, America was hyped up. The chanting quickly haulted.

Russian troops were dispatched. The managed to reconquer FER and invaded much the land America, and her extremely helpful EDEN allies, had worked so hard for. Obviously drunk on vodka, the Russians added Alaska to the list of battles they're fighting. And so we found ourselves here.

Canada v. Great Britain
After the meddling of French in preserving what was left of Britain, the Canadian-British war took an interesting turn. The French pillaged Canada and took back a large strip of England. Coupled with the British and Dutch lands in England, Canada had been kicked out of most of England. Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and South West of England still remained under control of the Canucks.

The English are battling the Mounties for control of Wales and South West of England, while the French continue their occupation of Britain by invading Scotland, which, if held, would be a major victory in Britain for PHOENIX.

With this month's Spanish president boldly setting one of his campaign goals as conquering a massive chunk of Brazil and Venezuela, among other countries, the Spanish have created an interesting situation in South America. Mirroring the long-gone days of Spanish colonization, the Spanish paraded throughout Latin America. The wars the Spanish are waging throughout one of the least significant regions in eRepublik are more entertaining than many other wars around the world at this time.

Mexico is almost nonexistant thanks to the Spaniards, revisiting the times of the civilizations that thrived in Mexico before Spanish rule. But the Spanish didn't stop in Central America. They assumed control of Venezuelan original regions Zulian, Central Western Venezuela, and Central Venezuela. EDEN is on the defensive, and be sure that it won't waste time waiting their turn.