Day 929, 03:18 Published in Serbia Serbia by borissajkas

This is my statistics about tresuare maps and gold from my ref. players...

This i gold that i collecte😛

These are my tresuare maps:
Congratulations, you have found a treasure containing 3.98 Gold, by using a Treasure Map. This Treasure Map is your reward for gaining the Hard Worker achievement on day 917 of the New World.
Congratulations, you have found a treasure containing 5.13 Gold, by using a Treasure Map. This Treasure Map is your reward for gaining the Hard Worker achievement on day 917 of the New World.
Congratulations, you have found a treasure containing 4.52 Gold, by using a Treasure Map. This Treasure Map is your reward for gaining the Hard Worker achievement on day 917 of the New World.
Congratulations, you have found a treasure containing 3.77 Gold, by using a Treasure Map. This Treasure Map is your reward for gaining the Hard Worker achievement on day 917 of the New World.
Congratulations, you have found a treasure containing 4.29 Gold, by using a Treasure Map. This Treasure Map is your reward for gaining the Hard Worker achievement on day 917 of the New World.

And some more that i cant find...

I just want to ask admins to provide statistices for eSerbia and eUSA, regarding treasure maps.

I wonder whether Serbians and Americans get the same amount of gold?

...and something for the end of

You can play by buying golds
You can win by buying golds
But you cant enjoy like we, when we win against you, when we attack Croatia, when we having talk at the chet, when when we see our eRep friend in RL...

For us, eRep is more than a game...

sorry for bad English


EDIT: Iskopirao sam prvu mapu i posle samo gledao koliko sam dobijao i menjao iznos da ne kopiram svaku, mrzelo me. Sad bih to odradio ali je prošlo 7-10 dana od kad sam napisao članak tako da ću teško naći notifikacije koje sam skoro brisao 🙁 Ako mi ne verujete pogledajte ove slike, dovoljno je