TRAINING WARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Day 686, 09:20 Published in Canada Canada by Shagaho

We fucking need some. We always seem to get the short end of the stick when it comes to training wars. Why is that? Does the eCanadian government not get it? I know there are some smart citizens involved, so why does nobody push a training war through? I understand we are in the midst of switching presidents, which is fine, but can't someone explain to him how to start one up?

Almost every other country in the eWorld has at the LEAST, one training war going if not a full blown war, resistance war, something! We eCanadians are sitting here to rot, not gaining much needed experience. Not using our weapons, which in turn has helped keep the market prices so low that no weapons manufacturer can be profiting, or even being close to breaking even?

New citizens get bored and don't have enough money to constantly move to gain valuable experience.

Take note congressman and newly elected president:

WE NEED TRAINING WARS. Not tomorrow. Not next week. TODAY. NOW!

Get it done.

Please remember buy smart, buy Canadian, buy often!!!