Training Contract Guide

Day 2,109, 17:19 Published in USA Belgium by Emperor Zorokian

Greetings my Fellow Americans!

As you know, it's that time of the month again, (no, not that you weirdo). Once again, our old friend Plato is trying to sell us Training contracts.

Now, for many of our newer players, those expensive looking Training grounds don't seem very appealing. For everyone else, it's a necessary (and expensive need) to get our BH's and stay ahead of the game.

But alas, fear not, my gold melting friends. For I have toiled long and hard to bring you another (more comprehensive) guide to whether you should get that training contract.

As you can see below, I've made a handy chart for when to buy the contract (depending on your situation.) Please note that all data assumes you have Q4 in your training ground. Therefore, 2nd TG= 10 Str; 3rd TG= 20 Str; 4th TG=40 Str.

As you can see, it turns out the contract DOES pay off.

Cheers, thanks for reading!
Vote+Sub, for I will come up with some more helpful guides as well.

Special thanks to ingame54