Tracking the national weapons plan

Day 486, 10:52 Published in USA USA by Corroded

The plan for nationalized weapons companies to supply the military with arms is moving forward, helmed by NoneSuch.

5 organizations (named after past presidents) have been created to house the weapons manufacturers:
Fort Korbin
Fort Nave
Fort Archi
Fort Immuno
Fort Dover

Currently no companies exist under these organizations yet as the national weapons plan is unfolding at a snails pace due to the inactivity of most of congress.

How will this plan work with, integrate, or compete with the existing US QMG Weapons infrastructure?

It is interesting to note that NoneSuch has moved his primary holding company NoneSuch Industries overseas, and was very vocal about his leaving the country. We can only hope that he, being one of the eUSA's titans of industry, decides to find this project interesting enough to remain - and if not we will have to consider how will it affect the future of this huge organizational plan.

For more information, read NoneSuch's article on the subject.