Day 1,123, 14:22 Published in Republic of Moldova Romania by googoodoll

Coloana sonora : Brindisi

Cred ca fiecare din noi a avut la un moment dat revelatia ca jocul acesta e un soi de ferma de furnici a adminilor. O fi experiment sociologic, sau pur si simplu sadism in forma pura? De cate ori construim ceva sau ajungem la pace cu ultimele schimbari , PUFFF!!! Alta , mai rea de 10 ori decat precedenta.
Stiu, va adormiti suspiciunile ca sunteti doar niste papusoi cu miscari limitate de sforile inghetate , de, e frig acum, si apa rece turnata din cand in cand peste capetele infierbantate se transforma in ace de gheata. Va autoinselati ca aveti optiuni si mereu la indemana log of-ul, dar… putini reusesc.
Acum vor sa stearga orgurile, presupun ca asta le-ar usura munca, alt motiv nu vad, mai putine conturi si deci mai mult timp pentru leisure, furnicile isi vor face un musuroi mai putin haotic.
As putea sa dau o sugestie,cateva tipuri de articole stas, la care sa avem voie sa schimbam doar poza si semnatura. Ce atata continut generat? Ha? Unde va treziti? Ia jucati-va frumos si in liniste in nisipul pus cu generozitate la dispozitie!

Replicile de azi sunt cat se poate de amare 😃.

Buzz Lightyear: Hold on, this is no time to be hysterical!
Hamm the Piggy Bank: This is the perfect time to be hysterical.
Rex the Green Dinosaur: Should we be HYSTERICAL?
Slinky Dog: No!
Mr. Potato Head: Yes!
Buzz Lightyear: Maybe! But not right now!
Hamm the Piggy Bank: C'mon. Let's go see how much we're going for on eRep.

Andy: So, you gonna miss me when I'm gone?
Molly: If I say no, do I still get your gold?
Andy: [they turn of the computers] Nope.
Molly: Then, yes, I'll miss you.

Ken: Hi, I'm Ken.
Barbie: Barbie. Have we ever met?
Ken: I would have remembered.

Trixie: It's just a dinosaur!
Woody: All right...

Sergeant: [Three of Andy's army men are preparing to jump on the battle with scripts] We've done our duty. Andy's grown up.
Army Man 1: Let's face it. When the trash bags come out, we army guys are the first to go.
Buzz Lightyear: Trash bags?
Woody: Who said anything about trash bags?
Sergeant: It has been an honor serving with you. Good luck, folks.
Army Man 2: You're gonna need it!

Ken:You see what I mean? It changes every time!
Barbie: [laughing] You are so smart!

Woody: [in eMoldova] Look, I just need to get out of here...
Buttercup: [dramatically] There is no way out!
[Woody stares at him in horror]
Buttercup: Just kidding. Door's right over there.

Andy: Now Woody, he's been my pal for as long as I can remember. He's brave, like a cowboy should be. And kind, and smart. But the thing that makes Woody special, is he'll never give up on you... ever. He'll be there for you, no matter what.

Jessie: Buzz! We're your friends!
Buzz Lightyear: Spare me your lies, temptress! Your emperor's defeated, and I'm immune to your bewitching good looks.

Chuckles: We were lost, cast-offs, unloved, unwanted.

"We get into the habit of living before acquiring the habit of thinking."
-Albert Camus