Totally srs business

Day 892, 15:45 Published in Thailand Pakistan by Gates Schellinger

I meant to write this sooner, but I've been ill the last few day sand BAWWWW, BAWWWW, BAWWWW.

Congress recap
Anyway, we were able to pull away with 21 seats in the Congressional elections we were lucky to come away with that many and the Admins deletion of 5 polish votes right before reset helped our position greatly, we lost seats to 3 Poles, 1 Serb and 5 Indonesians. I doubt the intentions are to overthrow the government and look to be gold hounds (seriously there's nothing here else for them to get), but we shouldn't rule out the possibility that they are here to generally act like ignorant >>>insert witty but edgy word here that will put them in their place but also not garner a FP, I was personally thinking douchebag, but that might be considered "too strong", so I'll leave it to your imagination<<< judging by some of the totally srs tax proposals they've left on our doorsteps.

However, we're still in a sensitive position, the Poles let more Poles in and the Serb let in another Serb (SHOCK!!!!), and with more voting/cloning power, the next elections most likely won't have the same result for us (i.e. and impeachable congress and the ability to oust unsanctioned presidential candidates). So lets break it down for you, Congress is mainly a title, there isn't too much clout that comes with it, and it's mostly for safeguarding reasons. Granted we need congressmen, but we also need people who are willing to run, but aren't so ready to vote themselves because the recognize the value of team playing. There was a lot of votes that we could have used elsewhere, but were instead used on oneself when they weren't able to get in, or wasted on people who were already safely in congress.

Now how do we correct this problem? There's nothing we can do to force you to vote who we say to vote, and even if there was, we wouldn't use it as it would be inappropriate. However, we do need people that are willing to be patient, not get upset if they don't make it into congress and realize that it's nothing personal (Vincent Garibaldi didn't get in, and I respect the hello outta the guy even if he is getting eMarried [hu?]to Nina [ughhWWWHHHAAAA?]), and some that are able to stay up until server reset to get those important last minute votes. There's no initiative I'm going to start, I just want you to think about the bigger picture.

Presidential announcement

As some of you have noticed, I'm running for president again. No primary this time (I hope). I promise to do stuff, I got things I want to do, and I'll be good and junk.

And now for something completely srs

Recently we've seen an influx of articles, whether they're of the anti-Januar variety, or from the Januar Camp (i.e. himself).

Mr Agung keeps emphasizing that he's not a PTOer, and that he's totally against PTO of any kind, you can see for yourself in his latest article (hint: it's the bold part).

Well I say to you Mr. Agung, if you're sooo pro anti-PTO, how could you let in;

Freak-a-me? no, Freak-a-you!

the horror!


Who himself said in his very own article in his quaint and frustratingly annoying 3rd person danespeak, and I quote

"As you may see HrBjorn has applied for citizenship, this is because HrBjorn wishes to PTO your country."

Yet, you yourself say that you are anti PTO of any kind, yet you let a dirty dane (the mortal enemy of the Thais) whos stated sole purpose of being here is to overthrow us, into our fold? HOW COULD YOU, SIR, HOW COULD YOU?

As if the fact that he's here to PTO wasn't enough, just look at what we'll have to put up with now.
I mean look at the danes track recored, we'll have to lock up our livestock.

Damnit Denmark indeed

We'll have to read up on their most famous person, the virgin homo, Hans Christian Andersen

Picture😛 Still a homo

And we'll have to listen to whatever the Flip this crap is, at all hours of the night.

Click on the picture IF YOU DARE !!

Mr Agung, I believe you have done us irreparable harm, and have done so willfully and without concern for the well being of our fair country when you let the likes of this, this, DANE, into our midst. FOR SHAME SIR, FOR SHAME!!!!

And as always, a random image (even though there's been a crap ton already)

I'm so ashamed right now.

And remember kids, Praise DIO, HEIL LEWIS, and Hovedstadden is Thailand, until next time.