TOs, Thieves, and Everything in between

Day 507, 11:16 Published in Estonia Russia by Porosus

TO's will ruin our country, like all of them, and we shall become a pawn in a game which is dominated by larger countries. I'm not exactly sure, but I've heard a lot of talk about the RoE being people which wish to TO us and annex us into another country. Sounds a lot like PEACE doesn't it?
I want us to find out whom is good, and who is bad. If you have friends outside of Estonia, I want you to call them over here to help us remain in Estonian hands!

Theives are just as bad as TO's but in some cases worst. We are new, and with that new countryness we receive 1.000 Gold, a very prized commodity which people would be happy to take. We need a strong Estonian support base which we can use to keep us safe from the theives.

I am planning on running for Congress once I am able to. I want Estonia to become atleast a medium power in the world, able to stave off invasions, and other threats. I don't want Estonia to become a forgotten back water which people go to to find some easily pursaded people.

I propose we enter chats with the other Baltic states to set up war games, much like the US has with Mexico. We could possibly give them one of our regions, and they give us one of theirs. Lavita is our best choice since they are also new, and hopefully won't get TO'd.

If I were to be elected to Congress, I would push for a Q5 hospital, and put pressure for war games. Newer players rarely can keep their wellness up thanks to a low income. But a Q5 hospital would, after 1 fight, raise that new player's wellness by 50. Which would help the company they work for, and increase productivity of our economy! Weapons we lack, but fists work just fine.

If you want to know anything else, PM me or comment and I'll answer.

(Anyone know a good English - Estonian translator?)