Top Soldier Interviews: Mlodzian (part 3)

Day 5,662, 15:17 Published in USA USA by George Armstrong Custer
Top Soldier Interviews: Mlodzian (part 3)
The Polish Military Organization (POW) is an organization for military training of Polish youth.

This is the third entry to the mini-series introducing readers to one of the most honorable top fighters you’ll likely come across on the battlefield, Mlodzian.
See the first article– an introduction and the first question– at
And the second article with two more questions at

Two good questions today— and two great answers.
Read on.

“What makes a bid for a medal...? I mean, how do you declare ‘this one is mine’ and how does an incoming fighter recognize that and respect it?”

I think the main issue is to be 1st on the list of fighters in battle and take enough damage. "Enough" means different for anyone but from my experience 20-40k is enough to win the SH medal in the typical training air battle. In the ground battle I think 100kk is also enough in most cases but you need to ask more experienced players fighting in that type of battle (for a few years now I have been fighting mostly in air battles).

Another big factor in my opinion is how people respect you as a player. From my point of view when people frequently see the same name as a top fighter on the battles they check there is lower risk someone will try to steal the medal even if you pushed less influence.
I think stats also matter, when a player gets a lot of medals won and big rank it affects potential thieves to not try anything stupid. Of course online/offline status means much for potential thieves... They don't care about who they steal from, they look only if you are online and steal at the smallest cost they can. In general I think the community in each country knows the people, their specific behaviors, determination and supply potential and try to respect each other unless they are respected…

“How does a low level fighter compete?”

I think low level and low ranked fighters have a hard time competing with a lot of older and stronger players in air module battles. As I said before, to get the medal you have to take at least 20k of influence - it's a lot for low ranked players, however it's not the hard rule, as you know from your own experience 🙂
Not so long ago I saw you getting SH with only 9k dmg done. 🙂 Big congratulations to you and also... all the US community which respected your person when they saw you as a top fighter on the screen. To be completely honest, sometimes when I see such a player taking so small damage I overhit...
So it's really hard to get a medal for low ranked players - stronger guys just win, it was the all time rule in that game. When I take a few hits in the battle I also don't expect to get the medal even when I start 1st hitting.

“Greetings from Poland 🙂
PS. fuck trite penguins and Vladimir Putin. Slava Ukraini!”

This mini-series will conclude with Mlodzian, Part 4; the question will be
“what are the reasons of conflicts with other players?” and a follow-up question.

That, the next edition, will conclude this “mini-series” introduction of the concept.
Read the series, think about what you as a Top Soldier would say… you might like to tackle any one question, or blast out your entire Medal Hunter Manifesto– I’ll give you the column space to do it.
Read the series, the rest of us who are just scratchin’ for some occasional gold, and learn how to navigate among the big dogs.

Read the series, and tell me if you want more of this stuff, from top soldiers like Marcelaxy and Super Nova and more… if it’s, ya know, actually a good idea worth pursuing.

Kickstart the media. Every keystroke counts.
Old Man Custer, a writer

Top Fighter Interviews: Mlodzian (part 3)
