Top Gun Permanently Suspended.

Day 717, 14:40 Published in Ireland Ireland by H.S Thompson

The Smokin' Gun Reveals:

Citizen Top Gun 'permanently suspended for creating or administrating multiple citizen accounts'.

Top Gun, with 3249 experience points, is ranked number 4 in e-Ireland and has enjoyed a prolific life both in business and politics.

While the exact circumstances that led to his suspension are unclear at this stage, we are asking that anyone with further information please post whatever they know.

Is Top Gun guilty? If so, how did he benefit from multiple accounts? And how did he commit the cardinal political sin of getting caught?

Indeed, was getting caught the only thing he did wrong?

And are the upper echelons of our e-Irish society as corrupt as Bertie and his cronies? Will they, like him, escape the lashings they deserve?

We demand answers. Please vote.

H.S Thompson.

EDIT: Top Gun quoted from e-Irish forum:
"My friend was over yesterday and I let him use the laptop while I was having dinner, it seems from my browser history that he logged on to use his own account. Thus getting me and him banned."