Top 10 Tips For the Noobs of eSouth Africa

Day 1,763, 14:54 Published in South Africa South Africa by The Gaurdian

Hello Everyone,

My name is The Gaurdian and I would like to give you newer Ecitzens some advice. Being new in this game can be confusing and challenging, the game is constantly changing and evolving and relies on many aspects for you to be successful. I only wish to give you some simple but needed advice.

1. Find a friend early on

2. Join eSA forum, Political parties forum and MU's

3. Complete all your daily orders and missions.

4. Read Articles to the Papers you subscribed to. Never know what you can learn.

5. Join a Military Unit, some can be associated with a Political party I think that’s the best way to go but it’s your call, regardless pick one that best supports your ideals and beliefs thinking ahead.

6. Get involved maybe start your own newspaper.

7. Stay active.

8. Have fun.

9. Explore the game, the gaming display, read other players papers it is a really huge game with lots of components.

10. NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER USE YOUR GOLD you need to save all your Gold your gold is for companies and such that will help you produce money and help you grow as a player. Don’t spend it until you join a Military unit or Political party where you can seek advice from exp players.(just don’t give them your gold).

Gaurdian Publishing
The Gaurdian

Also check out and vote on the Babes of the Week. Week 1: Babes with Guns

If you have questions shoot me a reply below or PM and best of luck. Remember to vote and subscribe for my future thoughts on whatever is on my Guardian mind.

Day Published 1763