Top 10 Poisonous Foods we like to Eat

Day 1,610, 14:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by pokeman

here are 10 poisonous foods

10. Mushrooms: about 5% of Mushroom varieties are Toxic

9. Rhubarb: Contains Ocalic Acid

8. Kidney Beans: Large quantities of Lectin

7. Apples: pips contain Cyanide

6. Tomatoes: near the stem and leaves is Tomatine, used in pest control

5. Potatoes: green ones have Glycoalkaloid poison

4. Cherries: pips contain Hydrogen Cyanide

3. Brazil Nuts: 1000-times more Radiation than any other food

2. Nutmeg: Hallucinogen leading to ' impending doom '

1. Pufferfish: Chefs train 2-3 years to prepare it correctly

i hope you enjoyed this article and found it informative

Fun Fact: Pufferfish venom leads to Paralysis or Death