Tolo writes another article

Day 453, 08:21 Published in Germany Germany by Tolo

Another article with no purpose. A rant of sorts.
Let's see now. I was in a battle last week with a fever of 41+ C. It was not pleasant and now i have recovered. I am hoping for another 2-3 year run with no sickness as usaul.

In eGermany i can smell the hostility in the air. Sweden's not happy, party president's in the spirit of competetion and other nice people feeling it. Let us all remember back when we were on good terms with sweden. Seems so far back. I still have my offer to make my own talks with sweden since i am sadly never invited to those meetings. ( Yes i do feel left out)

I joined Morten's party, Buergerliches Deutschland, since i agree more with their views than Open mind germany's. I hope we prosper into a party that controls more then just 20% of congress.

Now lets move to other matters. I have been struggling to have a good business for a while now. After the failure of a business i owned and one i had 50% share in, i am quite unhappy with my choices. The first one was my fault to jumping head first into something i didn't know much about a couple months back. The second was a result of hard competetion and a monopoly of sorts. I saw shoot's article about economy and i am not really attracted towards it. We have a great economy for companies and citizens. We just need more competetion and customers to lower the prices. If you lower the prices many companies will fail and new companies will struggle. Taking the voters side, the citizens, over the business owners who are also voters but a much less minority is a smart thing when you are gathering support. All in all, the economy needs some work but not from taxes but some interference in other ways.

Militarily, i am hoping we don't have to this waltz again but we might have to. Some countries have been making hostile acts towards us. Now many will argue that its germany's fault. Germans will blame the actions of what made them do what they did. The very spark that started this was unrest, frustration and no communication. Let us try to stop that shall we.

This article had no real one point just my views. It will probably be buried under other news if i end it with this so i will propose a subject.

Business oppurtunities and your say on the things happening right now. You have any ideas on improving germany. Then i will give you the floor to voice them out. Have a business idea? Then i will discuss it with you since i have money to spend. Even i don't i will try to hoook you up with the right people and deals to prosper since i like helping and watching business flourish unike my 2 ventures.