Today's Weather

Day 559, 12:19 Published in USA USA by Magus Eceerb

This is a new segment on THE DARK SQUIRREL called "Today's Weather". Where I, reporter Magus Eceerb, go over common everyday eLife concerning nothing whatsoever about the weather.

Well folks, today the war games continue at a steady pace, enhancing and restoring our citizens. But another war is going on too, as you can see in the previous issue of THE DARK SQUIRREL, Romania is really beasting it out there.

World economy is still radical and crazy.

And USA president scrabman is really takin some political mudslingin hard. Several impeachment attempts have been launched, but none have succeeded. It seems congress has a different opinion than the USA citizens, but whether that is good or bad, only time, determination, and a WHOLE lot o coffee will tell.

Breaking news Bob, a resistence has started in Siveria. It has only gone one minute prior to the time of the editing of this article, and the city is already halfway down! Only ONE person was fighting, it's amazing. Bula Ostrovick is DOMINATING!!! Holy cow butts folks, the resistance force has been pushed out of the city into the no man's land. That's all for today, tomorrow I'll be back for the outcome.