Today is the Day

Day 598, 15:27 Published in USA USA by Pragmat

Greeting Ladies and Gentleman of the eUnited States of America,

I come before you tonight as our nation gears up for what appears to be certain war with PEACE forces. Tax increases have been proposed and everyone is being urged to move to a state with a Q5 hospital and to hold off on engaging in the fighting between the UK and Hungary as we may all need to be able to fight later this evening.

UK v Hungary

Today Hungarian forces marched into Scotland as fighting began between the UK and Hungary. While many have rushed to declare this an attack on our ally, anyone that has looked a little beyond the surface knows that this is part of the training war going on between the UK and Hungary.

What Can You Do?

Be vigilant eAmericans, and we will win the day. Hold off on the temptation to fight and move to a Q5 state. If you have the means, stock up on weapons for the upcoming fight, they will come in handy. Watch for word from the government, particularly the White House Briefing Room and the Harry Dick Times. If you are in the military, obey the orders given to you and god speed. Many today have called for us to stand together and set aside our personal differences, I will repeat that sentiment today, today we must come together, today we must stand as one and fight as one. Below I have included two inspirational video clips.

I am hoping to have this be my only article today, if something does happen though, I will be sure to update you.

God Speed and Good Luck,

Daniel Dodge