Today's movie - Idiocracy

Day 1,409, 03:49 Published in China Romania by googoodoll


For my chinese friends: I didn’t include you in my “script” because you didn’t seem to want to include me in your community, I even don’t know the Chinese military chat, so i can fight in China important battles when needed. Maybe this will help.

For my american friends: I never should leave eUS, and now I’m stuck in China. I am part of eUS though, fighting along my collegues in SF. PRESTIGE WORLDWIDE!

For my romanian friends: Read the P.S.!

For Admins: This movie passed several approval committees, so I guess you can allow it too.

For all of you: If you don’t stand and fight for your game, it will be always something “in the way”.
Ok, it’s just a game, but really, if you give up for whatever reason, it’s still a disavowal.

Now, the movie: It’s not a blockbuster, and not an Oscar winner, but surely is a “planting thoughts in your head” movie.
Private Joe Bauers, not so bright and having a boring job at the military archives, is selected by the Pentagon to be the guinea pig for a top-secret hibernation program. Forgotten, he awakes 500 years in the future. He discovers a society so incredibly dumbed-down that he's easily the most intelligent person alive.
You definitely must see the movie if not already seen it.

Let’s see those quotes 😃

Narrator aka Ion Anapoda: As the 21st century began, human evolution was at a turning point. Natural selection, the process by which the strongest, the smartest, the fastest, reproduced in greater numbers than the rest, a process which had once favored the noblest traits of man, now began to favor different traits. Most science fiction of the day predicted a future that was more civilized and more intelligent. But as time went on, things seemed to be heading in the opposite direction. A dumbing down. How did this happen? Evolution does not necessarily reward intelligence. With no natural predators to thin the herd, it began to simply reward those who reproduced the most, and left the intelligent to become an endangered species.

Doctor aka Meshter: [laughs] Right, kick ass. Well, don't want to sound like a dick or nothin', but, ah... it says on your chart that you're fucked up. Ah, you talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded. What I'd do, is just like... like... you know, like, you know what I mean, like... noob...

Reporter aka Alexander Auctoritas(To Pizza The Hut): It started off boring and slow with Not Sure trying to bullshit everyone with a bunch of smart talk: 'Blah blah blah. You gotta believe me!' That part of the trial sucked! But then the Chief just went off. He said, 'Man, whatever! The guy's guilty as shit! We all know that.' And he sentenced his ass to permanently banned.

Doctor aka Han Solo: Don't worry, man. There are plenty of 'tards out there living really kick-ass lives. My first account was 'tarded. He's a tank now.

Frito aka Unualibro : [Acting as Joe's public defender] It says here you robbed a National Bank. Why'd you do that?
Pvt. Joe Bowers aka Ardei9: I'm not guilty!
Frito aka Unualibro: That's not what the other ranger said.

Judge Hank "The Hangman" BMW aka Cronoss: Now prosecutor, why you think he done it?
Prosecutor aka Clara Alexandrescu: 'Kay. Number one your honor, just look at him. And B, we've got all this, like, evidence, of how, like, this guy didn't even pay the Gold for Diamond Status.. And I heard that he doesn't even have his tattoo.
Prosecutor aka Clara Alexandrescu: I know! And I'm all, 'you've gotta be shittin' me!' But check this out man, judge should be like [bangs fist on table] 'guilty!' Peace.

Pvt. Joe Bowers aka Omae X: Today I step into the shoes of a great man, a man by the name of Omae One.

President Camacho aka Wieloryb: Shit. I know shit's bad right now, with all that starving bullshit, and the dust storms, and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings. But I got a solution.

Ow! My Balls! Guy aka DirectX: Comin' up next on The Violence Channel: An all-new "Ow, My Balls of Steel!"

Narrator aka Radu Pangaiu: Unaware of what year it was, Joe wandered the streets desperate for help. But the English language had deteriorated into a hybrid of hillbilly, valleygirl, inner-city messenger slang and various grunts. Joe was able to understand them, but when he spoke in an ordinary voice he sounded pompous and faggy to them.

Narrator aka Maniu: The years passed, mankind became stupider at a frightening rate. Some had high hopes the genetic engineering would correct this trend in evolution, but sadly the greatest minds and resources where focused on conquering mercenary medal.

Pvt. Joe Bowers aka Poland: Why me? Every time Metsler says, "Lead, follow, or get out of the way," I get out of the way.
Sgt. Keller aka Spain: Yeah, when he says that, you're not supposed to choose "get out of the way." It's supposed to embarrass you into leading - or at least following.
Pvt. Joe Bowers aka Poland: That doesn't embarrass me.

President Camacho aka Joseph K: Now I understand everyone's shit's emotional right now. But I've got a 3 point plan that's going to fix EVERYTHING.
Congressman #1 aka Cupidon1 : Break it down, Camacho!
President Camacho aka Joseph K: Number 1: We've got this guy CCF10. Number 2: He's got a higher IQ than ANY MAN ALIVE. and Number 3: He's going to fix EVERYTHING.

IPPA Computer: Welcome to the Identity Processsing Program of erepublik! Please insert your email into the email receptacle!

IPPA Computer: Thank you! Please speak your name as it appears on your current federal identity card, document G24L8!
Pvt. Joe Bowers aka New player: I'm not sure if...
IPPA Computer: You have entered the name "Not Sure." Is this correct, Not Sure?
Pvt. Joe Bowers aka New player : No, it's not correct...
IPPA Computer: Thank you! "Not" is correct. Is "Sure" correct?
Pvt. Joe Bowers aka New player: No, it's not, my name is Joe...
IPPA Computer: You have already confirmed your first name is "Not." Please confirm your last name, "Sure."
Pvt. Joe Bowers aka New player: My last name is not "Sure!"
IPPA Computer: Thank you, Not Sure!
Pvt. Joe Bowers aka New player: No, what I mean is my name is Joe...
IPPA Computer: Confirmation is complete. Please wait while I tattoo your new identity on your facebook profile!

Narrator aka me: The #1 movie was called "Ass." And that's all it was for 90 minutes. It won eight Oscars that year, including best screenplay.

Rita aka Roman Daco: You think Einstein walked around thinkin' everyone was a bunch of dumb shits?
Pvt. Joe Bowers aka Alcide: Yeah. Hadn't thought of that.
Rita aka Roman Daco: Now you know why he built that bazooka.

Carl's Jr. Computer aka gameR: Enjoy your EXTRA BIG ASS TOOLS!
Woman at Carl's Jr. aka Martabak Ostin: You didn't give me no hammer, I got an empty box.
Carl's Jr. Computer aka gameR: Would you like another EXTRA BIG ASS TOOL?
Woman at Carl's Jr . aka Martabak Ostin: I said I didn't get any!
Carl's Jr. Computer aka gameR: Thank you! Your account has been charged. Your balance is zero. Please come back when you can afford to make a purchase.
Woman at Carl's Jr. aka Martabak Ostin: What? Oh no, NO!
[She hits the machine. An alarm goes off, and a sign appears on the computer saying "WARNING! Carl's Jr. Frowns Upon Vandalism"]
Carl's Jr. Computer aka gameR: I'm sorry you're having trouble. I'm sorry you're having trouble.
Woman at Carl's Jr. aka Martabak Ostin: Come on! My companies need rawwww!
Carl's Jr. Computer aka gameR: [the woman kicks the computer, and it sprays a fast-acting tranquilizer in her face] This should help you calm down. Please come back when you can afford to make a purchase.

Phone Computer: Welcome to AOL Time Warner Taco Bell US Government Long Distance. Please say the name of the person you wish to call.
Rita aka The.Dark.Angel: Hero..
Phone Computer: There are 9,726 listings for "Hero.". Please deposit $2,000 to begin connection.

IPPA Computer: If you have one account that contains 2 golds and another account that contains 7 golds, how many golds do you have?

Pvt. Joe Bowers aka me : [addressing People] ... And there was a time in this country, a long time ago, when reading wasn't just for fags and neither was writing. People wrote books and movies, movies that had stories so you cared whose ass it was and why it was farting, and I believe that time can come again!

P.S. De o vreme mi-e greu sa scriu, nu stiu exact de ce. Cuvintele fug, nu le pot prinde si lipi de pagina. Nu e mare pierdere, stiu ca nu-s vreun talent, dar ma straduiam sa va aduc un zambet pe fata si in acelsi timp sa va dau un motiv de a va intrece in comentarii. Probabil ca simt si altii la fel, fiindca presa e un peisaj dezolant. Doar cativa mai rezista pe baricade. Ma bucur ca Omae a devenit Omae X si nu X pur si simplu. Mi-a fost teama ca nu mai gaseste resursele necesare pentru a reveni. Ma bucur de fiecare data cand gasesc un articol nou al lui Alcide, ca de un cadou. Ma bucura serialele lui Roman Daco, generatoare de comentarii molcome.
Sper sa gaseasca si altii imboldul sa spuna ceva, orice, fara bucuria de a deschide eZiarele de dimineata, jocul e mai anost. Ce sa ne produca emotii, gasirea unui patent sau a unui tragaci in timpul clickuilelii de fiece zi? Pana la urma ne jucam aici ca sa ne imbogatim in trairi viata, nu sa o saracim sau sa obtinem satisfactii doar din faultarea adversarului(deseori adversarul fiind cel de langa tine).
Unde e bucuria de joaca impreuna? Unde-s hohotele de ras cand comentariile erau frumoase
replici acide sau naive inlantuite in efervescenta?
Ou sont les neiges d’antan? Da, pare cliseu, dar cate filme superbe nu au fost create pe baza unui sau mai multor clisee? Nu-i asa o realizare sa pari perfect. Perfectiunea zgarie retina oamenilor, ei nu-s perfecti, dar superbi in imperfectiunea lor. Nu e mai bine sa gasesti partea frumoasa din noi in loc sa scormoni dupa cea urata? Nu e mai bine sa vezi partea amuzanta a lucrurilor, in loc sa iei in tragic aratatul cu degetul a lipsei unui i?
Desigur, in viata reala nu poti renunta si pleca in patru zari cand incepe sa fie greu sau plictisitor. Aici poti. Poti sa mori si sa invii de 1000 ori, nu ranesti pe nimeni. Oare?
Nu vreau sa fie o pledoarie pentru intoarcerea celor plecati. Asa au hotarat, asa e bine. Vreau sa fie o pledoarie pentru o joaca mai putin incrancenata. Ce aveti de impartit? Nu exista aici: “It shall be only one!” Amintiti-va ca Buddha si-a parasit familia, si avea o ciurda de copii, ca sa obtina el, egoistul suprem, iluminarea. S-o fi iluminat, la naiba, dar a ramas SINGUR.