To Whomever is Running That Ad

Day 1,112, 16:12 Published in USA USA by CaptJustice

this one

It would have been much more effective to send me a PM so that I could go about contacting you back. As it is, I will have to attempt to reach you this way.

You are not aware of a few things.

1: It doesn't matter if there is a hospital in the place where you live, only if there is one in the place that the battle is taking place.

2: Hospitals work very differently now and are barely effective, lasting a few minutes at most and doing squat for the general populace.

3: Hospitals will be removed from the game completely, along with Defense Systems, very shortly.

So, now that you have learned why we do not have a hospital and never will, please stop running your ads and wasting your gold. You can donate it to the Congressional Budget Office if you really want to get rid of it, that way it will serve your country.

Senator, Missouri