To Those Who Loves Her

Day 1,277, 14:29 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by ilmimi

yeah, i know this article came up a little too late.. But hey, it's never too late to show your condolences right ?


For more than half a year,
I'm just a simple two-clicker,
Living a completely boring eLife,
Then one day, a PM was sent to my inbox,
Asking me to vote for her in the next congress elections,
That was my first contact with Latifa Azalanda

I was so mesmerized by her depth of knowledge, passion for the game, and of course, her friendliness
It brought me to the other side of eLife, the IRC
My first stop ? No, not #mentornubi.. But #PreiHall, just because i knew that i'd find her there.. Second stop ? #indo-mofa, because she's the boss there, so naturally i was drawn there

and now, here i am.. i can now proudly say to others that i am a part of this great community, eIndonesia

all that wouldn't be possible if she didn't PM me that day, if she wasn't so passionate as she is, if she wasn't as friendly as she always do

if i were to be asked, "who gave the biggest influence towards your life in erepublik ? who made you keep playing the game ?", i wouldn't hesitate one bit and answer : she did

too naive ? not at all, that's the truth, like it or not

and i am sure that a lot of you have a similar story like that too and having the same answer as i do when prompted with that kind of question

so, why don't you share them with us ? let's show the whole world how great a person she is

no, i am not asking you all to make sad non-fiction stories about her.. i am asking you to help us in carving an everlasting smile to everyone here.. because yesterday, we mourned.. but today.. we smile

let our smile be the greatest legacy she left behind for us all

leave a comment here with your story/experience/testimony about her, or if you have already made an article about it too, share us the link

for i am unable to visit her burial, i'm planning to write a letter to her family and i shall put your article / comment in it too.. i REALLY want to put a smile in her family's faces, so please.. tell us about your happy memories with her, okay ? 🙂

one of her many thousands friends,


PS : Vote it up
PPS : Don't subscribe, i'm not writing this for the medal