To those pertaining to the uni

Day 377, 12:14 Published in Russia USA by Inanis

the russian government is undertaking a great enterprise, a great experiment. and I can easily say that there should be no doubt in our minds as to if this idea is a honorable one.
I've been trying to gather you here, to be among people that I see as worthy and trustable. good people.
in the communist party I mean to see good people as well, and I hope we can work together on equal footing.

we need to organise to support this country to a bright and united future.
and maybe we should be the first ones to make the decision to leave the current borders of the motherland to gather much needed diamonds.

let us breathe new life into the uni, that the way of wisdom and unity may always be, eternity.

Btw it is advisable to join the communist party. and to vote manifesto in power as president. a party and leader with a clearly defined agreeable goal.