To the South of Mexico

Day 470, 08:33 Published in USA Spain by Pechorin

Geography is becoming a very interesting subjects these days. Everybody is busy removing the dust from the globe to find where the Indonesia-Rumania war is going to take place or to understand what plans Asian countries have to control each other. It is a good time to have a good knowledge of Geography but is a better time to know about Diplomacy.

- What kind of Diplomacy?

Many people claim that we should be an imperialistic nation (even there is a party that suggest that directly) but some people forget, maybe intentionally, that there is always a carrot where you find the stick.

Be imperialistic just to be imperialistic is a very easy goal but I think that it would be very irresponsible to take this way. In eR all the countries have this internal figth between who prefer to conquer new territories and who wants to focus in improve relationships with the rest of the world. Both "factions" have their chances to apply their ideas and probably the "healthiest" solution is a balanced solution.

That means that we cannot be conquering Mexico without paying attention about what is the opinion of other nation´s government or their public opinion. It is very easy to say: "Why should we care about them?" and tried to avoid the effort and responsability we should make to improve our public relations and spread our ideas around the world.

We must understand them, we should listen to them. There is a whole continent, Latin America, that claims against our foreign policy and listen to PEACE propaganda.

Should we let them to explain who the american people are? Should we let them to explain what is our foreign policy? I don´t think so, I think that is an american job to tell the world who we are and what we want.


Spanish resume:

En la actual situación mundial, con el avance del imperialismo incluso entre muchos de nuestros conciudadanos, USA debe buscar el equilibrio en su política exterior, especialmente tras los primeros combates en Mexico. Es hora de aplicar la diplomacia y arrebatar a PEACE el monopolio de la propaganda, sobretodo en América Latina. Debemos escuchar lo que tengan que decirnos y hablar con ellos para entenderlos mejor.