To the Arms my friends to the Arms we go

Day 196, 17:14 Published in Sweden Romania by Sebl

This is the last day of our war with Poland. Today we will take "Little Poland" and show the whole world Germany is back. Please inform me, Sulla or DKN to get DEM for weapons.Everyone around 100 % wellness should pm me I have 4 q4 weapons in my repository.

This is our last chance to end this war soon. So please use the hospital, use your gold and use you mind to defeat the brutal Spains and fight for the glorious of Germany. Today 13 CET will the battle begin.

After that victory our minister for fun Kia will organize one of the biggest parties in the world. The Brandenburger Oktoberfest, everyone is invited, except Popolo and all Spains. Our friends from Pakistan and Indonesia get free beer the whoe night and can do whatever they want to do. BUT stick to the laws, you should not have more then one women!!!

Thank you for our participans although our president signed a MPP with Sweden, WE the German soldier and German people love you guys in Indonesia and Pakistan. We will build churches for DIO and Momuments for Jeverage the brave.

We will be friends till the end of our days. And if you need help then just call your German friends. Thank you Sulla and DKN you are no longer traitor for signing the peace treaty you are our local heros.

Germany is back, on the map!!!!!!