to my fellow boys

Day 1,550, 05:20 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Turkey by oglia.dendroglia

It has been a short period since i came and left ICA but those 8 days in ICA were icredible for me because i came to eIreland and ICA pretty much for the same reasons as MUFC92 did and there, with you guys i felt warm as if i were home and it was a home !

While being at ICA i even made some eFamily like MUFC92 became my eUncle and Padraig became my eAunty, i'm sending my love to both. Really guys, you don't even need gadgets from the Godfather, because you trully are a family there.

I had great moments there such as the best welcome ever as ICA helped me earn my first BH medal: (read here), got a small corner in an article: (read here) , and some more moments i have not recorded or can not publish for the legal issues (:

Unfortunately, I have another family in eBiH that needs me nowadays, so i had to leave. You have all my love, all the great people and trollers i met in ICA. Until next time, be safe gays, ups guys, and don't forget that i'll be back!!!