To my Critics.

Day 817, 04:17 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

Schoft- You seem have some major problem with me because I left eAus a few times. So? I have world experiance and I wasn't commited here. I wasn't in the Army or any poltical postition so whatever your trying to do with this. Forget it mate. I seem to re-call I wasn't me telling people how to doge taxes. You notice I didn't comment on that I thought 'ok I'll let this go I don't know the guy I won't get involved' However you cannot seem to stop trolling me. So really you washed up tax dodgin waster. Whats your problem.

Tecchi- I'm not a multi, or a PTO'er. I'm an honest guy working hard to re-take stolen property. I'm not some mad communist PTO'er. I'm not associsated with the left in eAus. In fact I've been in the TBP, Independents and now the RPA. All Center and then Right Wing Parties. You are a theif. You have stolen from eAus by stealing this Party. And what have you done with it hey? Fuck all. You stole it then left it to rot. Now your attacking me in a desperate bid not to look foolish. I defeated MOTTOM andf I talked with Br0ad. So really I can defeat you as well. That I'm sure of.

Lewis- Hey man I've been over this time and again so I'ma recap. I HATE my screen name I really do but there is no way to change it. And I'm not PTO'ing this thing I'm messaging people because of the lack of responce from Party members. Really bro Come on you know me better than that I'm not a PTO'er.

So really I love the way Tecchi your trying to twist this all around you PTO'ed it and am now attacking me because I'm trying to do the right thing. We will see on Monday.