To Move On Is To Grow

Day 1,117, 13:21 Published in South Korea South Korea by Sirius Padfoot Black

I'd like to just let people know that I have come home to Korea. After my brief time in Austria I knew that Korea is where I belong in eRepublik, and with the recent events, I knew the time was right for me to re-return.

I personally find the current situation very ironic and almost even comical. From one perspective, Grease essentially invited his downfall into his home. Many warned him, but more favored the decision.

And from the other perspective, just over a month ago, Grease had full support from the Romanians. They spoke of how stable of a president he was, and how he was the best thing for Korea. Oh how the tides have turned.

The current situation is a mess. I find a lot of mistakes made by both sides, which is why I am not officially taking sides. However, I do not condone in anyway the way in which the impeachment was conducted.

In either way, what's been done has been done and is irreversible. We must do what we can with the cards dealt to us. That is why I am willing to work with Clopoyaur in office, just as I had worked along side Grease.

Today we are at a point where where in order to grow, we must move on. Nothing is accomplished by sitting apathetically and refusing to cooperate. Regardless of your views on Clopoyaur and the Romanians, doing nothing does nothing to benefit Korea.

Speak your mind and make suggestions; vote and act. Don’t just lie on your back and whine. I'll follow you, encourage you. That is why I am working with my good friend Khorne the Blood God in order to resynchronize the national forum. To give a place for debate and a means of discussion.

I would like to see Korea become progressive once again, but in order to do this we must tackle every situation throwing itself at us, something that some people don’t seem willing to do. To move on is to grow, yet our ability to barely accomplish either is becoming more apparent. It’s time to change the way you’re living your eLife.