To London - The Irish Battle Cry

Day 1,376, 10:58 Published in USA Lithuania by Titless fairy
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The Battle Cry

The momentous day that I never thought I’d see, barely even perceived possible...

eIreland has marched to London and tonight it will fight for the only jewel left in the tattered and splattered English Crown.

Through all the invasions, the backstabbing and treachery, London has never fallen. A remarkable record for a country which seems to only be loyal to it’s allies when they’re winning, that people haven’t got sick of their crap yet and London has held firm as one of the only true fortresses in the game.

eIreland is a small nation, but a proud nation. We constantly punch above our weight and with the help of her allies we will never forget or betray. Today eIreland is in the heart of England & tonight we fight against the very country which has oppressed and invaded eIreland constantly over the last several months. England’s objective was only to obliterate.

If you’ve ever felt the burn of English backstabbery which they call, “diplomacy”, we need you tonight, if you’ve ever felt even a little Irish or eIrish we need you tonight because this won’t be given up without a fight and win or lose a fight is exactly what we’re going to give them!!!

Let us pay back the Brits for their years of backstabbing. Lets pay them a visit they’ll never forget, because tonight eRepublik history can be made!

Tonight we fight in London!!!

King Connell,
Former eIrish CP
Proud eIrish Citizen