To ♥IP♥

Day 819, 12:53 Published in Ireland USA by Cpl Useless

True Beauty is Not Seen

Where does the true beauty lie?
Within the heart, not the eye
The eye deceives and the eye is blind
It is the soul where answers you will find
Not to search beyond the skin; a disgrace
The beauty within, not upon a face
But what is beauty? It is falsly termed
Beauty is not born, Beauty it is earned
Carry the true beauty within your heart
Never from your lips let anger depart
Within people you trust, always confide
And always search for the beauty, that lies inside

Glaedr the poet

Hang in there Irish Princess! You may feel spit on and kicked, unfortunately that can happen living on our Isle. You and your work are appreciated in Ireland, please don't think otherwise.

If you ever need someone to talk to, you know where to find me. 🙂