To INDIA & AHF Members...

Day 705, 22:11 Published in India India by Azad Hind Fauj

My friends,
Please accept my Apologies for Delay in Battle Leagu. But We all know that maverick and ash is banned, which messed up teams and management of tournament.

To AHF guys I have not been able to update you in last 14 hours, as Net Connection in My part of City is down, Thanks to Ivdian Government (real) For cutting Cables by mistakes. It should be up in about 12 hours.

Updates -

1- BATTLE LEAGUE - IS POSTPONED for 1-2 days , DUe to Net issues, and as Teams need to be reallocated.
2- AHF Orders - FOr now just return to India, and stay on HIGH WELLNESS.

I thanks all those AHF guys who Fought Bravely in last battle in USA & Did Massive Damage.
