To hell with Harrison Richardson!

Day 613, 16:36 Published in USA Israel by Charles Nimitz

I realize that everyone is entitled to his opinion, and I respect this. I also hope that you will all respect mine as you read this letter. And that's why I feel compelled to say something about atrabilious, feral lamebrains. Think about this: it's unquestionably a tragedy that Pres. Harrison Richardson's goal in life is apparently to progressively enlarge and increasingly centralize the means of oppression, exploitation, violence, and destruction. Here, I use the word "tragedy" as the philosopher Whitehead used it. Whitehead stated that "the essence of dramatic tragedy is not unhappiness. It resides in the solemnity of the remorseless working of things," which I interpret as saying that Pres. Richardson claims that the majority of treacherous con artists are heroes, if not saints. I insist that the absurdities within that claim speak for themselves although I should add that my goal is to encourage the ethos of exchange value over use value. I will not stint in my labor in this direction. When I have succeeded, the whole world will know that Pres. Richardson likes to posture as a guardian of virtue and manners. However, when it comes right down to it, what he is pushing is both cankered and uncouth.

Some people are responsible and others are not. Pres. Richardson falls into the category of "not". For heaven's sake, several things he has said have brought me to the boiling point. The statement of his that made the strongest impression on me, however, was something to the effect of how his scribblings will spread enlightenment to the masses, nurture democracy, reestablish the bonds of community, bring us closer to God, and generally work to the betterment of Man and society.

Pres. Richardson's faction appears to be growing in number. I clearly pray that this is analogous to the flare-up of a candle just before extinction yet I keep reminding myself that Pres. Richardson doesn't use words for communication or for exchanging information. He uses them to disarm, to hypnotize, to mislead, and to deceive. Those of us who are still sane, those of us who still have a firm grip on reality, those of us who still maintain that he is unable to use the English language effectively or correctly, have an obligation to do more than just observe what he is doing from a safe distance. We have an obligation to guide the world into an age of peace, justice, and solidarity. We have an obligation to treat the disease, not the symptoms. And we have an obligation to lift our nation from the quicksand of injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood.

This makes me fearful that I might someday find myself in the crosshairs of Pres. Richardson's unrestrained ideals. (To be honest, though, it wouldn't be the first time.) Let me recite the following phrases as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward towards increased ability to erect a shrine of fogyism: ostentatious recidivists; duplicitous hoodlums; plagiarism; Pres. Richardson's accomplices; Harrison Richardson. My point is that Pres. Richardson cannot be tamed by "tolerance" and "accommodation" but is actually spurred on by such gestures. He sees such gestures as a sign of weakness on our part and is thereby encouraged to continue challenging all I stand for. As a parting thought, remember that I am fully in accord with those who say that the truths that I've been rubbing in the faces of wild fault-finders—truths that they truly don't want to see—are in fact truths.