To be or not to be

Day 1,362, 14:51 Published in Sweden Denmark by Maine Coon

The Danes declared independence and a treaty was made, signed by the Danish and Swedish president.

Read the treaty here :

For a long period of time the situation has been heated between the Danes and the Swedes, but now it would be nice to see people grow up and take responsibility for this treaty. You might not agree on the terms, and you might not like some persons. But the treaty was made, and the people of Denmark and Sweden should be grown enough to respect it.

It would be really nice to see Sweden and Denmark work together to get this done. It would be better to see a Sweden and a Denmark work together, than seeing two countries under the same roof fighting like children for a candybar.

Lets grow up, help each other, and stop the internal fighting. We are all better of being friends than enemies.

The future will look bright as neighbors and most of all friends that support each other. Both countries will have the bonuses they need by honoring the treaty, and both countries will have friends in the backyard for support if bad times should come.

We would all be able to move forward and enjoy the day - if only we could leave the fight behind us and try to make the best of it.

If you smile to the world and your neighbor - they will most likely smile back at you.

Thats what friends are for :